Source Code

oh alright

when you are told to do something that you dont want to do

go home oh alright

by heymaker February 13, 2018

4👍 2👎

Oh Alright Then

It's another type of way to say 'exactly' when used In a situation where somebody claims something that has no proof and you question them but they say silent because they have nothing else to say.

Lia: You stole my pencil!
Gina: How? and it has my name on it and your pencil is on your desk?
Lia: ..............
Gina: Oh alright then (exactly)

by Igotbangtan_2013 April 4, 2019

oh alright then

The true essence of Oh Alright then is to leave work early without any supervisors knowing, and remaining on the payroll.

Person a: What time do you get off of work today?

Person b: Well, I'm scheduled til 5 but I'm gonna Oh Alright Then at about 11.

by J.C bw of Tommy October 25, 2007

14👍 51👎

Oh, Ohh Alright

A phrase that may be used to respond to absolutely anything. When something sweet happens you, you pronoujnce the ohs short but when something shitty happpens you elongated the ohhhs.

Scrub- dude im having a rager tomorow.

Bro- oh, ohh alright.

by whatsgood! October 12, 2009

6👍 2👎