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ohh yeah

The saying that the giant Kool Aid Man says whenever he crashes into somebody's home.

"Ohh yeah!!!" *crash*

by lephermessiah July 24, 2006

52👍 21👎

Ohh yeah fuck it deaper

Ohh yeah fuck it deaper

Is a term a girl will use alot in sex

(usually following with ohh yes ohh yea oh oh im gonna cum)

if you hear this you are doing a good job and she is enjoying it

John: oh i had sex last night

riley: cool so did i

John: the girl i had sex with enjoyed it

riley: how do you know

John: she said ohh yeah fuck it deaper

Ella: oh baby thats so good uh ohh yeah fuck it deaper
Toby: yeah you like that well i fuck you as deap as you want

by ***Toby*** January 22, 2020

7👍 1👎