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ok bro

very good , very ok , ok

And many other things with feeling of warm and fuzzy and the power of friendship.

Person 1 : Hello there!
Person 2 : ok bro

by February 7, 2022

4👍 7👎

ok bro

ok bro means very good , very ok , ok
And many other nice things with feeling of warm and fuzzy and the power of friendship.

person 1 : hello there!
person 2 : ok bro

by February 7, 2022

2👍 4👎

Ok bro, what the flip

Extreme shock, like when you find out Ohio isn't funny anymore.

Similar to "Alright dude, what the flip."

"Ok bro, what the flip!!! Only in Ohio!!111!!"

by Dogefield!1!! May 19, 2023

3👍 7👎