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An organism that consumes both meat and plants. No political affiliations attached.

"This whole war between vegetarians and omnivores is stupid."

by Max Glenn December 23, 2005

174👍 59👎


A good Hunter. One who can appreciate the benefit of a good slab of cooked meat but can subsist on slower prey, such as the broccoli and carrot when the stuff that food eats is not available.

This omnivores prefered meal would be Grilled steak smothered with grilled onions and mushrooms with a side salad and a side of broccoli

by Clattoverata August 19, 2009

77👍 32👎


Primarily, a living creature who consumes meat - i.e.: poultry, pork, beef, fish. Many human meat-eaters are disrespectful towards those who don't eat meat, particularly towards vegans, often writing bad definitions of them in urban dictionary. Such people are often bad at spelling and consistently illogical in their responses to vegetarians and vegans.

Omnivore: 'I could murder a nice, juicy steak. Do you want one?'

Vegan: 'No thankyou, I'm a vegan.'

Omnivore: 'Oh, one of those. I suppose you're going to lecture me on how bad it is to eat meat.' (waves meat in vegan's face).

Vegan: (looks at omnivore disdainfully) No, but I would prefer it if you didn't wave meat in my face. (Waves tofu burger in omnivore's face).

Omnivore: (Shrinks back in true terror).

by tofu is yummy May 15, 2005

60👍 123👎


1. An organism that consumes both meat and plants.
2. A bisexual person.

1. Most humans are omnivores because they eat meat and fruits/vegetables.
2. I'm an omnivore because I like both men and women.

by The Real Moozer March 31, 2006

28👍 64👎

social omnivore

Noun: A person that generally conforms to the practice of vegetarianism, but will consume animal products in the company of meat eaters.

This compromise is often born of convenience or social pressure. Male vegetarians may experience lapses into social omnivorism to appear masculine in a testosterone-soaked atmosphere.

Dude 1: The Rangers are killing the Celtics. Fuck my life. You want some pizza?

Dude 2: Sure. Any veggie lover's?

Dude 1: Any nuts in your jocks? We've got pepperoni, Hawaiian, and meat lover's. Wooo!

Dude 2: ... I'll take Hawaiian.

Girl: Haven't you been a veg since you were like, 12?

Dude 1: Bro's a social omnivore.

Dude 2: Go Celtics.

by McSantos May 18, 2009

8👍 1👎

sexually omnivorous

Adj. - When a person is bisexual and is willing to perform oral sex on both men and women.

-as opposed to -

Sexually Carnivorous - only interested in performing oral sex on men

Sexually Herbivorous - only interested in performing oral sex on women

I'm not only bi, I'm sexually omnivorous!

by redlily90 December 22, 2010

10👍 6👎

sanus omnivore

sanus omnivorism is the practice of comsuming only healthy amounts of any kind of meat products for example only once a week. This eating habit was developed after scientific findings proved that vegetarians often lack supply of certain nutrients like iron that are hard to find in plant foods.

I became a sanus omnivore after discovering that I don't get all the necessary nutrients I need when being a hardcore vegetarian

by MickG October 29, 2013