Source Code

On My Game

when you are on your game, you are at the sexiest levels of your nerdbutt-ness.

p1-wow look at that nerdbutt, he's so sexy
p2-"I'm on my game"
p1-yeah you are!

by dicksquad2.0 March 2, 2015

8๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shitting on my game

(v) When a friend or another male interferes with your interaction with an girl. Usually by bringing the attention to himself by boasting or other means. Frequently occurs when the other male is jealous of your progress; an extremely douchey form of cockblock

John: So I finished that book you were telling me about

Linda: Yeah, isn't it great?

*Jack Enters*

Jack: Oh that book! You know that I actually worked with the author on a short story!

*Linda diverts attention to Jack*

Linda: Oh? What is he like?

John: Stop shitting on my game, Jack

by Kugelblitz November 16, 2012

salt my game

Actually, 'salt my game' was used long before the O.C. publicly by Sir Mix-A-Lot in his song "You Can Have Her"

Now a player I like, but you know I can't stand no snitch
Tryin to front like he rich
Done shot your credit, cause you bought you a new E
320, and you wanna be a hoe like me
Now you done salted my game
Told my girl I'm a player, and you bought her a ring
You paid a lotta money just to grab her
I'ma tell you like this, trick: you can have her

by Fawn Mae May 9, 2005

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Save my game

Originating from the video game "No More Heroes" this phrase means "take a crap".

To save your game in No More Heroes, you must find a toilet. Your character sits down on the toilet, and the save screen is displayed.

Be right back, I need to save my game.

by James D Wilson May 19, 2008

Up my game

Means to try harder or play dirtier

friend: "Hey girl, I saw that cheerleader eying your boyfriend and I think he may be interested..."

Girlfriend: "Aw man, guess I'd better up my game huh?"

by Smartipantzz March 13, 2011

68๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

no shame in my game

A statement that writes off any responsibility that society would place on the speaker for a certain act, lifestyle or appearance.

Chris: Hey-why you wearin joggin pants to the club, man? We sposed to be high-steppin tonight! And you look like u haven't shaved or showered in 3 days!! Dude!

De'angelo: Hey, mahn. Aint no shame in my game! I'm ghetto fabulous, yo, u aint heard. Man, shut that mess up b4 i smack it up. Shooo...aint no shame in my game-i'm fo real doe.

by lafoozy July 5, 2009

91๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

salt my game

The act of preserving hunted meats with salt.

Frank: Gees Harold, how to make this hunted deer meat last the winter?
Harold: Simple, I just salt my game.

by GenKi2 January 13, 2011

32๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž