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on waleed

A substitute for on God or ong for people that do not wish to curse at God.

β€œonly thing i like about family reunions is seeing my fave cousin”
β€œLMFAOOOOOO on waleed πŸ˜­πŸ’―β€

by notremaine April 7, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


''Waleed'' is a boys name and comes from the Arabic language.

Someone known as 'Waleed' is also perceivedd as very kind man, infact, so kind it is not easily expressible. It's difficult to express how amazing a person named waleed can be and that difficulty gives rise to serious frustration,Honestly. Waleed is funny, waleed is charming and handsome AF. Waleed is a blessing to those he is close to. He can make you laugh when you don't even want to smile, and you can trust him with your life. Someone who is so unique and unlike other people that you are left to wonder how you may have stumbled upon this human so pure and full of goodness and love, because people like that rarely exist. Waleed is a special, and worth all the happiness in this world. Waleed has the cutest laugh in the world and may just become your favorite sound, and if he loves you, the way he looks at you will definitely give you butterflies. Waleed is the best person in your life, your bestfriend. Someone who is a true friend, someone you could want to be with all the time. Waleed is someone so caring and wonderful and honest and exquisite and adorable that there just isn’t any match for waleed. One could do anything for waleed, because waleed is the best, and he deserves the best.

girl 1: waleed is too good for me, man.
girl 2: yeah he's totally out of your league! i mean have you SEEN THE GUY? hot dayum.

by thegirlunderthepeachtree June 25, 2015

269πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


We gave you coal during the age of Steam.
We give you lamb (Which we thoughtfully leave unmolested, contrary to popular but increasingly tired belief)
We created the legend of King Arthur, only for you to take it and pass it off as your own creation.
We were living here and speaking our language when you were still somewhere in Scandinavia.
We were one of the first people to put poetry and music together.

So please, if you're going to disrespect us, do it properly.

Surely the country that gave the World the likes of Shakespeare, can muster up a more scathing attack than ones involving common farmyard animals?

The very fact that the Welsh are, for the most part, respected in other countries where the English are not - In my mind speaks volumes.

Englishman: HAHA Sheepshagger Walesman!

by THR June 19, 2006

1180πŸ‘ 330πŸ‘Ž


A place of ancient Celtic culture that was flourishing long before the English even existed. Much of the culture is long lost but there is wealth of mystery, richness, beauty and fame connected to Wales that most people have no idea about.
To look beyond the sheep jokes, daffodils and rugby and it is important to recognise it was one of the first literary cultures on Earth. Celtic way of life was overflowing with poetry and great legends some little known and some world famous and more often than not, very wrongly, attributed these days to England.
They lived, on the whole peacefully, believing in nature, song, literature, dance... basically life just being fun. It was actually one of the first nations where women were treated in many ways equally to men! They even lived at peace with the Romans after the Roman invasion into Britain developing a sophisticated, ahead of its time nation!
Unfortunately the English (at that point Normans, Germans, French) i.e. the Anglo Saxons came to Britain and ruined most of it.

Wales has so much to be remembered for, namely some of the greatest legends, such as that of King Arthur and his round table which yes, was Celtic (WELSH) legend - though it is thought much of the legends are based on true figures. Though nowadays people tend to think King Arthur was English when what he did was in fact fight the Anglo-Saxons, he was in fact half-Celtic, half Roman.
Wales has many other great stories, A welsh Indian tribe existed in America long before Columbus ever arrived, thus proving that the Welsh were in fact the first to sail to America. In fact on the American declaration of independance 13 of the 17 signatures are signed by Welsh men, and America was very nearly going to be a Welsh speaking country!
A land with stories of great people, Owain Glynd, Aneurin Bevan, Richard Burton, Dylan Thomas, David lloyd George, JPR Williams!, Roald Dahl... the list is endless...Many great singers, actors, artists and writers have come from the small country of Wales (can't forget Tom Jones, Tina Turner, Anthony Hopkins for modern legends, even Kylie who is half Welsh!)
Not to forget it is a country of great beauty, much of the countryside breathtaking but unseen by many.
It is a nation, of what i have seen, (and that is much!), of polite, kind, talented people. This is of course a generalisation but i do not know how Cardiff can be accused of being violent fans when England are world-renowned for the behaviour of their football fans!!
There is a national Eisteddfod each year bringing together talent from all over Wales, yet the contest is not publicised or known to many outside Wales... a great shame.
I could go on and on, Wales is far too over stereotyped and it is by people that have no idea about the truth at the core of this remarkable country.

WALES rules so do not knock it until you have been there (preferably further than the South East) and KNOW about its history!

by girl50 March 16, 2006

1290πŸ‘ 451πŸ‘Ž


The greatest guy on earth, a hottie and a true gentleman. He looks good in everything he wears. He's can put a smile on my face no matter what, he made me the happiest person on earth by just being by my side. He would take a bullet for me, beat up the whole world just to win me. He's someone I can trust with everything I've got even my soul. Someone who misses me even when when we're together. He's without a doubt my true love <3

I'm deeply and madly in love with waleed

by MeshAA December 11, 2010

403πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž


pronounced Wahl-Ay not whale.
Ambassador of rap for the Capitol (Washington, D.C.)
The dopest rapper ever to live. Infuses Go-Go and Hip-Hop. Reps the DMV hard.

"Allow me/ To introduce me/ My name Wale, don't say Wall-E"

"District of Columbia/ I'm tripplin my money up/ If you ain't talkin dollars then I don't see where you comin from..."

"Receive love from VA to LA/ Them Cali girls feelin me they wanna hear that DC!"

by DMV Resider February 21, 2009

725πŸ‘ 249πŸ‘Ž


a country next to england that often gets forgotten.
and when it is remembered people living there are called 'sheepshaggers'.
just thought i remind people that we do have our own language. and wales is very different england.

national anthem of wales

Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi,
Gwlad beirdd a chantorion, enwogion o fri;
Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarwyr tra mΓ’d,
Tros ryddid gollasant eu gwaed.

Gwlad, Gwlad, pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad.
Tra mΓ΄r yn fur i'r bur hoff bau,
O bydded i'r hen iaith barhau.

by ...hana... June 10, 2006

602πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž