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onion syndrome

Someone who Cry's simply for attention, or to distract negative attention from oneselve.

You can stop the onion syndrome love, I saw you take the purse, no point pretending to cry it isn't going to work, on your knees or I'm ringing the police

by mitch00uk April 11, 2015

11👍 2👎

Brown Onion Syndrome

The life-long remorse suffered when you turn down a guaranteed fuck with a random girl, just because she is the Brown Onion of her group of friends, and you worry what your friends will say.

God I wish I just nailed that pig in 1992 when I had the chance. I've got serious Brown Onion Syndrome now.

by Lord_Cunnington June 5, 2011

14👍 3👎

onion boy syndrome

When a person ever so delicately implements the Onision™ technique of looking up and quoting word definitions into their argument.

Bob: Sandra, he's 14 you're a pedo.
Sandra: Actually Bob, pedophilia is the attraction to pre-pubescent children, which he is not.
Bob: Whatever, ephebophile. You've just got fucking onion boy syndrome.

by EzzieHime.jpg June 1, 2018

12👍 3👎

Onion Aversion Derangement Syndrome (OADS)

A psychological condition characterized by an extreme and irrational aversion towards individuals who abstain from consuming onions. Individuals afflicted with Onion Aversion Derangement Syndrome (OADS) display symptoms of severe derangement, often exhibiting fits of frustration, anger, or rage when confronted with someone who declines food containing onions or inquires about its onion content. This syndrome manifests as an exaggerated emotional response, leading affected individuals to lash out or become agitated in situations involving onions or onion-related dietary choices.

Despite Sarah's best efforts to politely decline dishes containing onions, her colleague Betty often succumbs to Onion Aversion Derangement Syndrome (OADS), erupting into fits of frustration whenever Sarah's dietary preferences are mentioned.

Tom's Onion Aversion Derangement Syndrome (OADS) became evident at the dinner party when he aggressively berated his friend for refusing to taste the onion-laden appetizer.

Jenny's Onion Aversion Derangement Syndrome (OADS) reached a peak when her roommate opted not to order pizza with onions, prompting a vicious outburst about culinary preferences.

The online forum erupted into chaos when a user with Onion Aversion Derangement Syndrome (OADS) attacked another member when they suggested a recipe should not include onion, sparking an all caps meltdown about dietary choices.

by JohnsonMcsandwhich February 12, 2024