Source Code


Sorbet shark cookie


by CCGamer14 October 13, 2021

13👍 2👎


The sound made when something enters a hole.

Man: OoooOooOoOoO
Man 2: Woah the large object enters the hole.

by KeyboardSamurai November 15, 2018

40👍 26👎


that moment when u just

- hi
- oooooooo

by Memro May 17, 2021

12👍 5👎


a suffix (or 'additive') to extend a word to add emphasis.
Generally used by individuals whose first language is NOT english, or the functionally illiterate, found most often on the "global" information highway's social networking sites (forums, blogs, BBS, etc.), where alot of "less than english" is written.

It took Sooooooooo Looooooooong to finish, I fell asleep.

I thought to myself WoooooooooooooW!

by peterpp August 17, 2009

38👍 36👎