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The Orca, or "Killer Whale" is a sea mammal in the same family as dolphins, porpoises, and the other whales. There are at least three distinct subspecies that do not interbreed. One stays near the coast and hunts other mammals, such as sea lions. Another coastal subspecies primarily hunts fish like salmon. A third, much less documented species spends the majority of its time offshore. All orca subspecies are threatened by human development and overharvesting of the orca food sources.

Visitors to the pacific northwest often take whalewatching tours in the hopes of seeing an orca pod breach the surface.

by Maurs June 30, 2006

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The Orca, contrary to popular belief, is an ocean DOLPHIN, and not a whale at all. It's the largest species of its family, and the biggest badass animal in this planet's waters. Usually preys on small fish and mammals, but has also been seen killing great white sharks and blue whales just for fun.

Everybody thinks great whites are the shit, when there are orcas out there that hunt and kill great whites just because they like the taste of their livers. It's true, look it up on google.

Animals like the Orca make me proud of being a mammal.

by Mikz January 16, 2008

60๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) A VTOL aircraft used by the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) in the Command and Conquer series. It holds the title for having the most fucking idiotic pilots in any RTS game ever made.

2) Pilot of an Orca; usually without any intelligence or common sense.

See also: Command and Conquer

1) In Tiberian Sun, Jimmy sent his twelve Orca fighters out to harass his opponent. He had to put up a Firestorm wall to protect himself soon afterwards. When the three remaining Orcas returned, they flew right into the wall and killed themselves, rather than trying to go around it.

2) Orca pilots are retarded.

by The Infamous Trev-MUN October 14, 2003

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Whale of a woman proper for a blubberfuck too disgusting for any man in his right mind to ever date let alone mount

Rachel is the orca queen of the clique, I can't believe Tyler blubberfucked her.

by James Wright February 5, 2003

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1) A sea-based carnivorous mammal often bastardized by a series of movies about someone's Willy.

2) A VTOL aircraft from the Command and Conquered series that are great for wasting cash.

3) See Barbara Bush

Orcas taste like chicken!

by MVEAlpha November 15, 2003

24๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


awesome; happy; kick-ass. totally freakin cool. sick nasty; rockin', the best
better than you'll ever be.

girl: you play guitar?
guy: yeaaah maan.
girl: omg, that is soo orca!

by kathnagie February 17, 2009

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A killer whale.

My own pet shark

The cute little orca

by JulianDB April 9, 2017

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