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Other countries

Would have lost too.

Hym "You should be less concerned with other countries and more concerned with the overt, public, violations of rights that are actively happening to American citizens right now. I just had a guy I've never seen just walked in and called me by my name and then he looked at my chest, realized I didn't have a name tag, realized that he messed up, and bumbled his way out of the store. You need to read the words I am writing and understand that I am not going to let them take my life away from me. And if YOU as a politician are going to look the other way, I'm going to create consequences that equate to my life being taken. You need to stop slow walking because you're going to explain something to someone. Pick which explanation you would rather give and then do what I want you to do because we both already know which explanation you would rather give."

by Hym Iam February 9, 2025