Source Code


Pop up. Often used on Snapchat meaning message me

"Bored someone pu"

by Maibow September 3, 2017

1098πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž


1) A way of saying, "That smells awful."

2) Official scoring of a pop-up in baseball.

1) PU, Dennis! Haven't you ever heard of deodorant? Or at least breath mints?

2) A pop-up caught by the second baseman is scored as 'PU4'.

by Diggity Monkeez January 21, 2005

303πŸ‘ 154πŸ‘Ž


PU means pop up, people often use this on sites such and Instagram and snapchat as a way of saying somebody message me

Someone on their story: someone Pu

by Urban QueenπŸ‘‘ August 19, 2019

24πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Parental Unit

I'd love to go clubbin, but my PUs are gonna be visiting this weekend

by we91 April 17, 2009

44πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


Pure Enternity is forever

Join PU and you will forever be saved from damnation!!

by K Pop January 15, 2007

32πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

Pus Pus

Swedish for "Kiss Kiss".

Pronounced poos-poos. The girls from Gothenburg say "pus pus" as a chic goodbye.

by Squirmy May 21, 2008

146πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Puing Puing

Weak; lack of energy; small; no enthusiasm

After a week of fasting, April’s energy looked and behaved puing puing

by Loment April 21, 2018

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž