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Anal sex with a Latina.

Ben Affleck left because J-Lo wouldn't give him any of that sweet paella.

by Claudio-B September 10, 2007

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Slang term for "hot and spicy" anal sex in Latin America, named after the mixed up Spanish seafood-and-rice dish.

"If I treat her right, my putita gives me paella on weekends."

by Jesus Rolleyes September 6, 2007

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seafood paella

While a popular seafood restaurant dish - full of sea creatures, rice, veggies, and saffron - the term is commonly used to describe a foul smell. The odor of Port-a-Potties, wet dogs, and old gym shorts are all examples of a seafood paella stench.

Note: "Paella" is a spanish word and must be pronounced with a spanish twist.

"It smells like a seafood paella in here," Poppy said as she walked into a nursing home.

by sharon_renee April 26, 2007

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Paella Fest

When a predominently male-dominated social gathering (sausage fest) is resolved by the addition of more females. Named after a spanish rice dish containing both sausage and clams.

guy1: that party was all penis until the ladies showed up around 11
guy2: ...so then it was a paella fest.

by jodyOs July 7, 2009

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Paella fetish

Sexual arousal from the sight of paella. Sexual arousal can also be acquired from eating the Spanish dish, paella.

Kendraโ€™s paella fetish is really getting out of hand.

by Mdb42 February 24, 2019

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Hash Brown Paella

The delectable brunch invented in San Francisco combining both hash browns and paella. At its basic level, this delicacy is made the same way as the traditional paella, substituting the rice for hash browns. Add two eggs over-easy on top for the full effect.

Dan can cook up a mean hash brown paella, too bad Kelly has no clue.

by Dnml August 6, 2007

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Paella ina bottle

A true artisan sauce made by a legendary Spanish lady. Suitable in a rice dish or treat yourself and chug from the bottle. You can't go wrong bringing this number to a family dinner.

My grandma knows how to finesse paella ina bottle.

by Severelykickedback November 9, 2022