Abbreviation of PagChomp, or PagMan, frankerfaceZ twitch extension emotes, normally said as a substitute to The commonly used ‘Pog” but less cringe and less commonly known, can be written as “paaaaaag”, said to show excitement as a result of a cool frag on a game or just life in general
NymN: “we have news network today then we will throw on dark souls 3”
PeepoChatter: PagMan Paaaaaag
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PAG, officially "Paedophile Aids Goblin" is an ideology created by the king pagger. To be a pagger, one must submit to the king and wear a red slaz V neck, 3/4 slaz pag shorts and crocs. The word PAG has an infinite number of meanings but is ultimately a way of life and religion which is rapidly spreading across the world. To be a true pag, one must smoke fags and shag other pags. You can find paggers roaming the reduced sections of tesco express and sainsburies local, or in sports direct raiding the slaz. The pag diet consists of unpeeled raw onions, magnum with mixer and buckfast to pag it down.
The pagprophecy predicts a huge WW3 between all pags and anti-paggers, whereby the paggers will reign supreme for all eternity.
"I can't wait to pag you tonight" , "I just voted for pag in the general election" , "The fried toast at dreams is unbelievably pag"
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two people on a one man bike, one sits on the seat and holds onto the others hips, the other holds the handle bars and pedals like mad..especially up hills.. Maybe its just a Grimsby word..i dunno!!
I just pagged u all the way the Nunny, now its your turn to PAG me!!
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Substitute for the word "fag", usually used in a far less offensive manner towards people who aren't even fags.
Coined exclusively by the Class of 2004 at De La Salle College in Melbourne Australia, this term can be used to shout out at random or to describe a person whilst chatting amongst a group of friends.
It most often is used to portray one's dissatisfaction with a certain action, personality trait, choice of clothing or
statement made by another person or fellow classmate.
Kid in the playground shouts: "Paaag !"
Kid amongst friends: "Man, Sanders is such a pag..."
Group of friends laughing at someone: "Ha ha! Sanders looks like such a Pag in his bike shorts!"
"What a paaeeeg" - Drawn out with downward inflexion.
Walking down the corridor, someone sees sanders and shouts: "PAAAGG!"
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Twitch/youtube language. A variant, exaggerated and present continuous form of "Pog". By pronouncing "Pog" strongly, it sounds like "Pag", and an "-ing" is added to express that epic gamer moves are currently occuring. It is also simply used alternatively with "Pog". Often confused with a similar sounding sexual term, pegging.
S: Does a sick SMO trick
TC2: "He do be pagging"
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