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Paid Actor

A player in an online game that exists to make a streamer/content creator seem better than they are

Streamer gets a high K/D

by BozoNightmare July 10, 2022

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

a paid actor

When something does it’s β€œjob” well

Person1: wow this picture of you looks bomb!
Person2: Right? The sun was a paid actor

by original hot mommy October 4, 2022

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

paid actor

That one guy that waits at the end of the mario kart track so xQc can win the race.


by sister_becka January 19, 2021

9πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

is a paid actor

When a joke is exposed but people want others to think it’s real

The joystick is a paid actor

by josah August 1, 2022

Paid actor

A player in a pvp game so terrible at the game or one that makes such a grave mistake, often to the advantage of an opponent, that you start suspecting if said opponent secretly paid them for that screwup. An example would be if a soccer goalie failed to save a very easy to save shot, some audience may suspect the goalie accepted bribes from their opponents to let in an extra goal or two.

However, its most common usage is not to actually accuse players of accepting payment to play worse as such cases are very rare in online games with randoms, but to make fun of people who played so poorly they look like they did.

Teammate A: Bro did you see how badly teammate B choked that easy win
Teammate C: (sarcastically) Must be a paid actor smh my head

by Xavagery May 8, 2024