interjection - Paizan!
1) to suggest embarrassment or deep humiliation
verb - Paizaned
2) to be helplessly assaulted
Alt. Paizoq, Paizow, Paiyop, Paiyow
"Nick yelled "PAIZAN!", after witnessing an angry female reject a man with a mighty slap across his face."
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Fellow bald-person. A greeting used between fellow bald-headed people.
Origin: This definition traces back to an episode of the Golden Girls sitcom where the ex-husband of the main characters (Dorothy) appears back in her life but this time with an apparent full head of hair. Eventually he comes to terms with his 'bald identity' and is seen greeting a fellow bald man as Paizan.
Many fans took his greeting wrongly, he was greeting an old man of Italian descent, believing it to mean 'fellow bald person'. It's use as 'fellow bald person' has spread far & wide since.
"Hi, I see from your head that you are a Paizan". Upon one bald person meeting another bald person they greet one another by saying, "Paizan"