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This is used as a term specifically for NZ European people, in the Maori language it means "foreigner", so could be used for any Non-Maori person.

Pakeha doesn't mean "White Pig". It means foreigner in Maori.

by ChangingtheWays May 28, 2011

258👍 112👎


The word "Pakeha" is a derogatory term directed towards the Europeans of New Zealand. In the Maori language, it translates to "white cunt".

Person: Another bloody pakeha moved in next door

by Mitlit October 18, 2022

26👍 12👎


The British that colanized new Zealand, and now are racist towards the natives.

"You're hori"

And you're a pakeha

by I.anit.no.hori August 3, 2021

3👍 13👎

Ngati Pakeha

A tribe of Maori and honorary Moari people that live in New Zealand, whom are governed by The Maori Jesus, his 4 wives and The Ice Queen.

Holy crap its the Ngati Pakeha

by the ice queen March 4, 2005

54👍 82👎

Pakeha male

Mostly murderers and rapists.
They like to rape and strangle Swedish tourists.
Pay to have sex with under-age boys and girls.
They work during the day, and go home to fuck their daughters who is kept under the house with her 12 children which have never seen daylight.
They drink in pubs and drive home drunk, some will hit children off their bikes while driving over bridges and not informing police.

Pakeha male is a wolf in sheeps clothing.
Never leave them alone with your children

by toptip1 November 9, 2009

32👍 53👎

Pakeha whiteboy


slade is a Pakeha whiteboy

by ludvlihgbab October 29, 2011

5👍 9👎