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The birthplace of Jesus Christ (the central figure of Christianity).

Uneducated person: I'm so proud to be American because the U.S. is where Jesus was born!

Educated person: Dude, Jesus was never born in America. He was born in Palestine. Do your research.

by CelticEagle February 15, 2019

1417👍 977👎


A country ruled by Arabs for over 1000 years. Der Judenstaat, a Austrian Zionist, began to advocate the creation of a Jewish state in either Argentina or Palestine. During the 1940's Zionist from Poland, Italy, Germany, and other European countries entered Palestine as a result of the holocaust. Before the holocaust Christians, Muslims, and Jews lived happily as neighbors but when the Zionists came into Palestine they then took the land and homes of the civilians and slaughtered many Christians and Muslims. Today they oppress non-Jews, and in the year 2004 the Israelis killed over 450 women and children. In the Six-day War the Israelis were losing to the Arab countries until America came in and threatend to bomb any country opposing Israel. Since 1949 American tax payers have given Israel over $83.205 billion. Mentioned in the Bible as Palestine, and not Israel. Even Pope John Paul II refused to recognize Palestine as Israel. Also more that 90% of Jordans population are originally Palestinain, which came to Jordan as a result of the attacks done by the Israelies which resulted in the loss of the Palestinan's land and homes. There are even many Pro-Palestinian protestors, who are Jewish, in Palestine, who are often arrested and beaten by Israeli officials.
All of this information is factual and could be checked up online.

I know many Palestinians whose lands were stolen by the Israelis.

by DIA61 July 12, 2005

4582👍 2445👎


1.Where Jesus is from and was born in
2.Some town in Texas

Jesus is Palestinian not is-not-reali
I have never been to Palestine in Texas but I think it is boring

by NotGoodBad August 11, 2021

652👍 424👎


Palestine is at the ancient crossroads of Asia, Europe, and Africa. She bends with the Fertile Crescent, the cradle of man’s civilization. She is at the heart of the Old World’s wonders and the New World’s original sin. God’s religions are Hers, as is God’s City. She is the ancestral homeland of the Palestinian people.

Palestine today is a symbol of the masses. She overcomes extermination and ethnic cleansing. She fights colonialism and its many flavors. Extremism of the faith and extremism of the flag. To erase Palestine is to erase the story of mankind.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

by ThePalestinian November 24, 2021

1988👍 1013👎


Palestine ( Arabic: فلسطين‎ ; English: Palestine ; Greek: Παλαιστίνη, Palaistinē; Latin: Palaestina; Hebrew: ארץ־ישראל) is an ancient land that spanned the area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and various adjoining lands; predating Hebrew and Biblical times.

Unfortunately, in 1948 it was partitioned to unite the so-called “God’s Chosen People”. Even though the indigenous Semitic-Arab inhabitants can trace their history to Biblical/Hebrew times and prior.

Palestine will be reborn and free.

by LilacCowboy June 13, 2011

1915👍 1394👎


Palestine is an Islamic country located in Middle East. Majority of Palestinians are Arabs and Muslims.

Sadly, most of Palestinian territories were illegally occupied by Israel in 1948. This has been continuing till now. Palestinians lost territories, separated into two — East Bank (including Ramallah) and West Bank (Gaza). The worse thing is, Israel always attack Palestine with no reasons, letting innocent Palestinians die. Many Palestinian kids died, lost their beloved families because of Israel.

The capital of Palestine is Baitulmuqaddis (also known as al-Quds), but Israel illegally occupies it and changed its name to "Jerusalem". It's well-known for Al-Aqsa Masjid, one of the holy sites along with Makkah and Madinah. Unfortunately, Israel also attacks this holy site.

It's not too late. We must stand with Palestine. We must fight for Palestine. We must stop Israel from illegally occupying Palestinian territories. Please don't forget to hashtag #FreePalestine.

I stand with Palestine!

by I Stand With Palestine October 30, 2023

575👍 534👎


A land stuck between a rock and a hard place. Continuous struggle with Israel. Killing for religion, see Megadeth, Yet they do not realise they are the same Semitic people. Peace will only come when they have to band together to fight Aliens, see Gargons.

Palestine + Israel = Paleisrael

by lovetehglock March 24, 2006

967👍 574👎