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panty sniffing

The art of enjoying taking in the aroma of a females dirty crotch scent contained in her soiled pantys. Held close to the nose and with a slow, deep inhaling of her soiled scent. Licking the filthy panel can also give a tangy taste. Most usually performed whiled masturbating with a towel on your chest and your cock well lubed with ky jelly.

I layed back on my bed, towel on my stomach and a handfull of lube. Stuck the filthy, pungent crotch of her soiled panties to my nose and inhaled the aroma of her 3 days long worn deposit. It was so strong my brain couldn't take the treatment any more from her female scent and offered up my bounty of man goo, spewing from my cock. panty sniffing again helped me to bust a much needed nut, joyously.

by The Cornhole King January 8, 2005

804👍 166👎

panty sniffing

the act of sniffing a woman's panties to experience the smell of her vagina, usually accompanied by masturbation.

i caught my little brother panty sniffing in my closet last weekend when i was supposed to be away.

by experienced source December 12, 2003

388👍 170👎

panty sniffing

The art of sniffing or smelling the scents of poop, pee, sweat and pussy juice off of a worn panty.

Right after my neighbor takes off her worn panties i jump on the first chance to capture the still wet, warm scent of such lovely undergarment :)

by Aries2004 April 28, 2005

260👍 126👎

Panty Sniffing Friend

Acquiring a friend for the soul purpose of getting close enough to her to have a chance to steal her panties and sniff them.

Boy: Who was that girl you had lunch with? I kinda liked her.

Girl: Just this acquaintance. We aren't that close. I mean I've never slept over at her house or anything.

Boy: You should make her your panty sniffing friend! You can bring the panties back to my place and watch me cum in them. Then I will watch you lick and sniff them clean.

Girl: Ok. What the fuck is wrong with us?

by 7 inches of heaven December 15, 2011

14👍 9👎