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paradigm shift

A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline.

Einstein once said, "imagination is more important than knowledge." He may be partly right, as I apologize, the above definition is for paradigm, perhaps allow me to better example a paradigm shift here. It isn't as wise to not publish a visionary who foresees a better future, using imagination as well as calculation that may ideal a greater reality, despite our seeming knowledge now of the society apparently. Ideally a paradigm shift is an ascension of sorts, like when humankind civillized or evolved, to the point where they stopped believing that the gods wanted them to sacrifice virgins. In a paradigm shift we'd again eat our vegetables instead of smoke them, we'd be creditted from and use what we're made of, such as Hydrogen for fuel instead of pollution. There is a huge higher set of relativity, that can solve virtually all of our foolish worldly problems, a paradigm shift could come from real leadership. Please believe first acknowledging an extreme atomic negativity which could nuke all of us dead, ridding the Earth of all Humans and so their problems, but also imagine on extreme opposite being that of atomic positivity, where prosperity for all simply depends on leadership for their work efficiency, and in that better extreme might most of our foolish little problems be solved also though truly.

by Joven February 22, 2007

78๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

paradigm shift

1. A change of condition, idea, status, etc.

2. Your characters' job mode in Final Fantasy XIII during a fight. You can shift it back and forth, depending on what the situation calls for.

1. John: I think it's time for me to have a relational paradigm shift.
Jeff: You do mean get a girlfriend, right?

2. Evan: Ohay, the enemy staggered, time to use the Relentless Assault paradigm! "paradigm shifts*

by Anons Anonymous August 21, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

paradigm shift

a band from Bloomington, Indiana featured on MTV's series MADE in mid-2007.

Joe: Dude, did you see the new MADE episode?
Chase: The one with Paradigm Shift?
Joe: Yea! It was awesome.

by eod enaj November 6, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

paradigm shift

A moment of overcoming your own extreme sexual urge to weightlift for a period of time and then returning to the previous order of sanity.

Hold on carrey I'm going through a paradigm shift again looks like i'm done with the medicine ball. Jon went back to the bench again looks like a paradigm shift.

by Simplebeast January 22, 2014

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The Paradigm Shift

In a general sense, a change happening on a vast scale. A shift in the big picture, if you will.

Specifically "The Paradigm Shift" refers to a certain oft discussed and theorized shift in social groups concerning several different intersecting social circles. The Paradigm Shift did not happen within the originally proposed timeline of the spring of 2008, but new evidence has come to light suggesting that The Paradigm Shift may still be happening, just on a larger timeline and consisting of not exactly the same changes as earlier expected.

"The Paradigm Shift" may still come to manifest itself in the first quarter of 2009.

by DYSTLLBLV? January 26, 2009

Paradigm Shift

1. A change to anything being described by a person who likes to use buzzwords.

2. Has no real meaning, but people like to pretend it does.

Now that I am the manager, we are going to experience a paradigm shift in the marketing department

In order to become successful, we need to have a paradigm shift in this department.

by Anonymous May 9, 2003

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Paradigm shift

When a person has a significant change in the way they process any given senario psychologically; this process can be driven in a positive light or a rather brutally pessimistic perspective

Anthony has had such a great influence on the team it has caused a paradigm shift in their work ethic, and as a result people are starting to work together.

by austin henry December 14, 2015