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Otherwise known as "Puhneesha", "Penn State", or "Lil' Penn". The name of the most beautiful girl you know. Rumor has it she is half (Persian) goddess and half human. She is intelligent, adorable, and witty. She has a bootylicious body that makes her a "dime". On top of all of this, she can hold an intellectual conversation. If you know a Penney, you best be makin' moves.

Guy 1: "Yo, you know that Penney chick?"
Guy 2: "Yeah man, she's like perfect!"
Guy 1: "MMMMMM!! Oh hell yeah. She can git ittt!!"

by FrankRoberts December 19, 2011

31πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A really cool kid who does not like limp bizkit

penneys is a cool kid

by billy eck January 12, 2004

12πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

alex penney

a fat child who is too fat to walk in a grocery store and uses the wheel chairs and likes to eat burritos and has cousins beat up little Russian kids during a pick up football game

holy crap look at that Alex Penney!!!!

by runescape222 December 31, 2009

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

penney knocker

someone who sucks off people with red hair

i heard that guy is a penney knocker

by knob poo May 8, 2009

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Dee. L Penney

A Dee Penney is not just a BADASS he is the baddest of all badasses. There is no exception to this ever! In fact he is such a badass most people call him the Pirate of all pirates the only ones who don’t are know as bitches! The Dee Penney will be respected.

The Dee. L Penney is the baddest, of all badasses no exceptions.

by Baddest badasses May 7, 2020

Penney's Worth

Penney’s worth: Much greater than a penny’s worth or anyone’s β€œtwo cents.” Imagine one million dollars multiplied by 1,735. Well, a "Penney's worth" is infinitely more than that. It takes someone very special to posess this ability to have a "Penney's worth".

Oh hey, look it is Miss Penney, whenever she speaks we know she will always put in her Penney's worth!

by penneyORpenny? December 1, 2011


top molongoloid, noone exceeds him

penney is just penney, he knows whats best for the team.

by a new couch December 8, 2020