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penny pincher

a stingy person (see also penny pinching)

Don't be such a penny pincher, donate some of your money to charity.

by Light Joker July 5, 2005

161👍 42👎

penny pincher

Cheap, stingy person who rarely spend money.

Megan never goes to restaurants because she's such a penny pincher.

by VAKI5 June 27, 2005

90👍 37👎

penny pincher

Someone who makes alot of money and does not do jack shit with it, says they have no money knowing they have over 100 in their pocket, then all of the sudden splurges on something they do not need. Like a big screen TV.

by pseudonym June 1, 2004

39👍 81👎

penny pincher

When a person, usually but not limited to a child, swallows money, usually pennies, and shits them out. When they pinch off the turd that contains pennies, they are penny pinching.

Wow Gil just swallowed a roll of pennies. Tomorrow he's gonna be some penny pincher

by bLiTcH December 26, 2007

56👍 142👎

penny pincher

See picture David Howard...

Once added a pint of gas to his truck to get him to the next gas station to save 1 cent on gas at the next gas station a mile away.

Never leaves tips, steals pennies and candy from small children

Stop being a Dave Howard! The tip is not 1 dollar on a 100 dollar check!

by TSD Guy March 11, 2005

23👍 60👎

Penny Pincher

Someone who works at or runs a business and trys to screw the customer out of a few pennies to raise profits instead of gaining customer satisfaction and return business increasing sales and even more profits. A very poor business model often associated with race due to origins in Asia, India, and Jerusalem.

Quickiemart penny pincher wouldn't let me use the bathroom then buy something, he made me buy it first and I couldn't make it so I pissed on the counter.

by WGstyles March 9, 2023

Penny Pincher

A jew that kills you in a game to steal or earn items

That fucking Penny Pincher killed me and stole all my gear in dayz

by stupid furry trash February 27, 2020

5👍 6👎