Source Code


Word used for any shitty throw from right-field to a base in the infield. Includes rainbows, skid-marks, and any other fucked up throw.

That #12 just tossed a PERFECT SHOT over the fucking fence.

by JC May 30, 2004

5👍 4👎

Perfect Shot (1337)

A Perfect Shot (1337) is so lethal by a central new yorker, it rips through the skull and destroys the victim. 315 MLG

sDs Insomnia getting pwnt by the noob tube from Perfect Shot (1337)

by Major Pwnage December 27, 2007

2👍 5👎

Dick-Shot Perfect

A perfect shot, like if you were to throw a bottle at a persons balls and nailed em perfectly

Damn, I took Matt down Dick-Shot Perfect

by Marx December 15, 2003

9👍 1👎