A curse word meaning fuck your kin and kith. Originates from Azerbaijan. Used in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani communities in Turkey and Russia, and those tought by Azerbaijanis to use it. The direct translation to English is your nape, the area behind your neck. If you want to refer to someones nape you can't (or shouldn't) use peyser because it's too offensive and you might get beaten up, you use kantovka or kant. Don't ever use peyser when you're in Azerbaijan because it's too offensive and you will either a) get beaten up b) become peyser yourself after a discussion with the person you called peyser and his qaqas (boys) or c) both.
FCKR23 is a peyser because he can't use peyser in a sentence correctly.
Pepsi, kola, fanta ... attı kanta. Meaning: Pepsi, kola, fanta (name) threw to his nape.
Roshka became a peyser on video (on YouTube) after the discussion in Sumqayit.
His sister is a whore so he is peyser because of her.
He became peyser after a söhbət (discussion) in Kubinka.
There are no peysers from Vasmoy.
I made him peyser after beating him up because he called me a peyser.
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A slang word in Azerbaijani meaning fuck your flesh and blood. Usually used in Azerbaijan and by Azerbaijanian who live in Russia or Turkey. Peyser is directly related with ur nape . But in order not to be offensive we use kant boyun or other alternatives instead of using directly NAPE or PEYSER . One is able to throw(at)hit(to)or excited peyser. There is no differences among them .. If u r known as a peyser there is no way back : u ll be called peyser or bicbala by ur friends and people around u . Here are some examples how to use peyser (however i do not recommend u to use this word thus it can be really offensive as well as it can make u to be peyser as well .. In a nutshell , if u r not that confident person just do not use it )
Pepsi,cola,fanta, ÖMƏR atdı kanta --- in here it means that as a common thing ,(pepsi cola fanta ) throwing to the nape is usual thing for Omer .
Because of his sister (can be alternatively be his mother or any women in his kin) he was known as a peyser.
He became PEYSER after the sohbet(kind of meeting or discussion )in VASMOY .
The TESBEH (rosary) was cracked on his head that s why he became PEYSER
*peyseL is second level of peyseR
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