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Phone Limbo

When your phone's battery is close to being drained and you're unable/too lazy to charge it. How low can YOU go?

This morning I discovered my phone hadn't charged the night before, and was forced to play Phone Limbo; I couldn't text for fear of running out of power.

by Will Pwn 4 Food October 29, 2010

7👍 1👎

phone limbo

When the lovely people on the other end of the phone put you into an infinite loop of either automated systems or department transfers or just on hold where no one is on the other end to pick up.

>I'm going to transfer you to the other department now.
\Could you stay on the line until they pick up?
>Sorry we're very busy, I have to get to the other callers.
\:five hours later in phone limbo:

by willis936 February 14, 2012