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Pierro is a great guy, funny and loved by friends

I wanna fuck pierro

by koko12sd September 12, 2021


The act of a gay couple holding each other’s penises whilst covered in a sticky substance of their choosing.

Brad: Yo, you and John did a pierro?
Matt: Yea, we used marshmallow fluff though. Wasn’t as good as peanut butter.

by jojoman235 November 18, 2017

3👍 7👎

nick pierro

This guy has a great dick get plenty of girls and has good friends that guy is fucking awesome

Girl 1: OMG i was with nick pierro yesterday and he gave me great dick then a russian flashbang
Girl 2: fuckin lucky bitchhh

by Buzzlightquer July 13, 2017

del pierro

A continuation on the 'DP' acronym for the smut movie regular act of double penetration.

Dave : 'You've seen Piledriving Miss Daisy, what's it like?'

Clive : 'Normal, gob, moota, Del Pierro, fairly standard'

by T Boor July 1, 2008

1👍 5👎


Pierro is a psychopath en the only thing

What is important voor him is loyalty

If you crossed him better watch out

Don’t snitch or i gonna pierro you

by Kananstark November 23, 2021