A pipe muncher funeral is a funeral for pipe munchers. The pipe munchers gather in a house and shove the dead pipe muncher down the pipes while chanting in the pipe muncher language. This causes clogged pipes and hair balls. The dead pipe muncher is replaced with a baby pipe muncher.
1. What a loud pipe muncher funeral. 2. That was a beautiful pipe muncher funeral. 3. I want a pipe muncher funeral.
A pipe muncher funeral is a funeral for pipe munchers. The whole pipe muncher nation gathers in the walls and shoves the dead pipe muncher down the pipes while chanting in the pipe muncher language. A missing pet is now raised into a baby pipe muncher and replaces the dead pipe muncher. The shoving of the pipe muncher down the pipes creates clogs and hair balls.
1. My pipe muncher died so I got to hear the pipe muncher funeral through my walls.
2. Im hearing the pipe muncher funeral in my walls once again.