A milieu or environment inhabited by ruthless, competitive individuals - societies, companies, communities, organisations, polital parties and other groupings where extreme competitive activity takes place.
Also commonly misspelt as pirhana pool. Known too as piranha bowl
He earned his spurs in the piranha pool called Georgia politics.
He has become a boiled brisket in the piranha pool that is Israeli politics.
Plain-speaking, sense of humour and ability - truly remarkable in the piranha pool of Westminster politics - made no enemies...
The Apprentice (programme) is a piranha pool for the contestants.
After a week best described as the 'diplomatic piranha pool' in New York, the UN managed to agree a 35-page document for reform.
Then there is the piranha-pool of Parliament, an especial burden for British ministers
It is a ‘piranha pool’ out there for the inexperienced buyer. Please take some time to read our extensive advice page sections.