Humans live by a series of commonly accepted behaviours, norms, and laws. Someone who abides by pirate law, lives their life by their own set of rules which may or may not be accepted by the rest of society. Under this philosophy, one takes what they want without concern over consequences or compassion for others. To follow such a philosophy is to live and behave much like a pirate.
If a person steals from others - not because of need but out of want, they are living by pirate law.
If a person stops or interrupts traffic to cross the street - not because they are in a rush, but simply because they want to cross, they are living by pirate law.
the lawful pirate is a religion that you must be born into by rights ... complies with the law of the savior ie old and new testaments... it is where instead of plundering you have a method of obtaining what people don't want .. which can sometimes be more than what they do want... this religion is that you are a ghost.. hence why you must be born into by rights.. and the earth or universe (for example) is made of water and spirit you float around in a ghost ship ..terrorising those that do not represent your religion... many pirates have ended up being lawful but as there is no law higher than they than can get caught in there own short fallings and face judgement the lawful pirate has the all his laws complete and accounted for hence why it is a fulfilled religion and not a persona
i was once a half of the lawful pirate (religion)as i did not have the rights and i terrorised chaotics asked what they wanted they replied... to kill you ... and i said "right! by my name and by the law of my god you will never infact for it is now permenantly and infinately impossible for you to lay even a finger on this body which i am until you have all been deafeated forever
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