Source Code

Play Basketball

The act of one or more person(s) doing cocaine

Woah!!! Lets Go Play Basketball, Michael!!

by Seedlessmota January 16, 2011

15👍 13👎

play basketball

Euphemism for "go to strip club and grab tits". Used primarily by people who are trying to be sneaky and not admit they're going to strip clubs.

Origin of euphemism was from an asian man who would periodically go with his friends to Montreal(the capital of strip clubs) and when asked why he was going, he'd reply, "play basketball".

me: "So what are you going to Montreal for?"
ak: "We're just going to play basketball."
me: "You're not going to the strip clubs, I hear they're really good."
ak: "Nope, we're going to play basketball."
me: "ok(thinking to myself, yeah right)"

by William Chan February 9, 2004

4👍 17👎

Playing Basketball

A 200 IQ Phrase you can say if you get caught jerking off.

KYLES MOM: Kyle what are you doing.
Kyle: Uuhhhh um, Im playing Basketball?
Kyles MOM: Oh ok ok ok ok well than make it wet if you know what i mean.

by Playing Basketball May 13, 2020

Playing Basketball

Playing Basketball is an excuse you can say if you get caught jerking off.


Kyles Mom: Hey Kyle what are you doing
Kyle: Ahh im playing Basketball

Kyles Mom: Oh ok ok ok ok

by Playing Basketball May 13, 2020