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pleb filter

Piece of art/entertainment which is extremely inaccessible to the common person; this may be due to its complex or unusual nature.
Term usually used to state the superiority of said piece, while implying that anybody who can't enjoy it isn't experienced or open-minded enough to do so.

Dude 1: This band's records were mostly easy to listen, but the last one is very strange. Most songs last more than 10 minutes and there's a lot of ambient sections.
Dude 2: Wow, did anybody even manage to get into this at all?
Dude 1: Almost nobody. It's their ultimate pleb filter.

by geologo August 17, 2017

4👍 2👎

pleb filter

A controversial term with two definitions, but dumbasses will tell you there is only one.

1. A piece of entertainment or media which "filters out" the plebs, i.e. only plebs (uncultured or stupid people) dislike it.
This definition is by far the more commonly used of the two. However, there is also another definition that may occasionally be used; use context to discern whether this is indeed the case.
2. A piece of entertainment or media which "filters out" non-plebs, i.e. only plebs like it.

In either case, the term is used frequently on 4chan, and especially on boards like /tv/.

1. Anon 1: "Drive is a total pleb filter, the cinematography is kino."
2. Anon 2: "You're right, Drive is a pleb filter. People only like it because they think it makes them sophisticated."

by speg379 March 31, 2019

62👍 20👎