the act of reaching under the diner table and jerking off the person to your left by force ,until a chain of forced handjobs goes all the way around the table and back to you.
i was over at jims for acard game last night and his room mate tried to give me a polish twister
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A polish titty twister is when you pour hot melted butter all over a pregnant woman's giantacular chesticles, then applying car battery clamps to her hershey kiss nips, all while having her slob on your knob until you reach orgasm at which point you violently twist the clamps to induce severe milkage.
"dude i gave that pregumundo cholo hoe a mondo polish titty twister!"
The act of a male being suspended by ropes face down,he is spun in one direction winding him up. He inserts hi penis into the woman's anus and is let go unwinding and bobbing up and down !!!
I'm so damn lucky that your mom likes to do phe polish pickle twister !!!
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