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Political Elitist

A person, regardless of party affiliation, who thinks that they are better than another person, simply because of their alignment with a particular political party/cause/opinion/etc., and as such, exhibits anger and/or animosity towards another person because they have a different view/opinion.
A precise contradiction of tolerance and acceptance of others, based purely in political/sociological prejudice.

"I'm, like, so totally open minded and accept everybody for who they are. What? What do you mean you voted for a Republican? You baby-killing, seal-clubbing Nazi! How dare you not agree with me! You're just like Hitler"


"I can't believe those God-hating, hippie, drug-addicts. How dare they want health-care reform! Don't they know that prayer will fix all their ills? If they want health-care, they should just go get a job."


"You're such a political elitist douche-bag! Why would you start screaming at me, calling me names, and attacking what you perceived as my political affiliation, because I had a ham sandwich for lunch?"

by Centered Realist February 12, 2010

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