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porn scene

The only scene in any movie that your mum will walk in on

I was watching game of thrones by myself and my mum came home just as the porn scene started

by flameoid12 August 22, 2014

5👍 3👎

Porn scene movement

A movement in which people decided to live out there porn dreams no matter what society thinks. Where people watch porn and then copy it in real life. Where people come together in porn festivals to act out all kinds of porn and live in porn colonys.

Think God for the porn scene movement.

by Deep blue 2012 March 29, 2010

70👍 28👎

Porn scene movie

The difference between regular porn and a porn scene movie is that porn is all about fucking,sucking ect. but a porn scene movie is just like a regular movie except it has sex scenes in it that are pornographic fucking sucking ect.

I didn't know this was a porn scene movie.

by Deep blue 2012 November 6, 2009

11👍 7👎