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Post Pardom Poop

Post Pardom Poop is a serious condition usually encountered after a quick emergency evacuation of the bowels. It usually affects males from the ages of 18-25 who have ignored the early warning signs of imminant poop. The condition's symptoms are immediate regret at losing so much of yourself, an empty feeling inside, and fear of ever losing another poop like that again.

Matt: Why is Jason crying and cradling his stomach?
Scott: He has been stricken with a serious case of post pardom poop
Jason: I just want to feel it back inside of me! To be whole again!
Chris (entering the room): Dear god I think someone left a kidney in the toilet
Eric: You guys are sick
Jason: Is it such a crime to love something you carried for so long?!
Matt: Can I use the bathroom? I'm expecting

by Regretful pooper April 16, 2009

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