During the covid-19 pandemic, cruising houses on Zillow while stuck at home became a national pastime. Enter, Zillow Gone Wild. This Instagram account rocketed to popularity in 2020 for its snarky yet accurate descriptions of unusual real estate listings. A particularly opulent Dover, MA listing included, among other excesses, a fully stocked potato shed. It sold in 2021 for an eye-popping $13,250,000. Subsequent Zillow Gone Wild posts frequently reference "no potato shed" in their intros, meaning that it's great but there's still room for extra bling.
On today’s episode of You Never Know What’s Going On Inside A Home, Part 39.
🚨🚨🚨Listing outlink
New Berlin, WI
6 bd, 7 ba
6,254 sq ft
17.49 acres
Plenty of room for a potato shed.
283👍 153👎