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present past

Present past is used to confuse someone when they are trying to figure out the difference between next friday and this friday.

Person 1 - Yo is your event this friday or next?
Person 2 - its the present past friday
Person 1: wtf?

by kristoff77777 November 9, 2014

past present

A present that you got last year. A gift that you keep getting over and over again.

That is a past present. Not another past present, can't you think of something new?

by lankylegs November 14, 2013

past present tense

The proper form of a verb that is both in the past and present.
Though largely unknown, this tense is good english, as recognized
by the ISO (International Standards Organization)

1. The morbidly obese man "plupped" onto the couch, seductively "slupping" from his Big Gulp cup.

2. The adolescent boy metaphorically "jerzzed" at the thought of the next Star Wars film.

All completely legal usage of past present tense.

by evilbetty June 12, 2013

10👍 2👎

Hottest person in the world past, present, and future

Justin Watt

I just had a date with the hottest person in the world past, present, and future.

Who? Justin Watt?

by Luckiestgirlever February 1, 2022