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Prospect High School

1.) A high school located in the Chicagoland town of Mount Prospect, Illinois, which was named the Best Place to Raise a Child by Businessweek 08-09.
2.) Hot but conceited guys.
3.) Significant population of girls who are full of it and are selfish and insecure and care more about themselves than anyone else. Like seriously, someone needs to type up a definition of "Stupid Girls" and use PHS girls as an example.
4.) Some of the guys from there who don't get a lot of action are creeps who will stalk random girls who don't know them online.
5.) Overall, one of the best high schools in the Chicagoland area.

1.) Jack and Sarah want to have their son go to Prospect High School, which is in the best town to raise a child.
2.) Rebecca said to never date a Prospect High School guy because, even though they're hot, they can be really self-absorbed.
3.) Sometimes I wonder why most Prospect High School girls are so mean?
4.) This boy from Prospect High School is stalking me and my friends on Facebook and somehow got a hold of our screennames and won't stop bugging us. We blocked him :)

by I'm too good for this site, HA March 16, 2009

73👍 31👎

Prospect High School

Prospect High School is part of Township High School District #214 and is located in Mount Prospect, IL. It's a 4-year public high school. It's mascot is the knights. The school's colors are navy blue, columbia blue, and white.

Prospect High School is known for their fine arts and athletics.

by Catlady21 March 19, 2010

22👍 8👎

Prospect High School

A highschool loaded with rich white kids who think they are top shit. Very rich and good school

Bruh prospect high school full of rich white kids

by Biggay276 November 30, 2018

10👍 3👎