protect the booty and not be fruity — prison slang for tactics used by inmates to protect themselves from prison rape.
If any of them actually worked, prison rape would not occur.
To not be raped in prison you must have a low score on the statistical indicators below. If you can check one or more of the the following factors below you are likely to be targeted for sexual assault the moment you enter a penal facility:
Youthful age
good looks
ambiguous sexual orientation
Characteristics that mark you as a candidate for abuse are:
small size
physical weakness
being white
being gay
being a first offender
possessing "feminine" characteristics such as long hair or a high voice
being unassertive or unaggressive
being shy
being intellectual
not being street-smart
being “passive"
having been convicted of a sexual offense against a minor
entering prison not associated with a set or a gang
Prisoners with one or more of these characteristics typically face an increased risk of sexual abuse, and prisoners with several overlapping characteristics are much more likely than other inmates to be targeted for abuse.
The best way to avoid prison rape is to stay out of prison at all costs. If you are reading an Urban Dictionary entry you need to avoid prison. And, if you write Urban Dictionary entries YOU REALLY NEED TO STAY OUT OF PRISON!!!!!!
According to Department of Corrections statistics there are several ways to protect the booty and not be fruity. If any of them actually worked; then, prison rape would be nonexistent.
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