What all of da clueless macho irresponsible "middle-aged guys" from Red Green's infamous men's club in Possum Lake likely have -- or will eventually develop --- from attending da meetings at said head-in-da-clouds establishment. Bonus tidbit: Duct tape will NOT cure said malady, anymore than Tim The Toolman's checking into da Henry Ford Clinic ("Whose Car Is It, Anyway?" is da episode title --- you're welcome, nerds! :P) would likely go very far towards helping to cure him of his car addiction!
Kevin Brown (i.e., "Junkyard Digs") recently got married to his "bold, bubbly, 'n' beautiful" long-term sweetheart, Micah Uetz (a.k.a., "Junkyard Mook"), yet even with his wedded-bliss status, he also recently outfitted an old Dodge van to look like da Possum Van, so perhaps even he has some psychoLODGEical issues of his own! :P