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Psychosomatic Dream Injury

I've been getting these the past couple of nights and it's been a little disconcerting.

Hym "So, I had a dream last night where I was in building that was the combination of a Hotel/Resort, Sea world, and a Zoo (Which is a multi-billion dollar idea so you can have that for free) and I was with my family and I was carrying a baby in a backpack. And as we get to the Sea-world area the baby begins to fly and drags me down the hallway. So, I call out to my family and I'm like 'Hey! Look! Fuckin, magic baby! Are you seeing this shit!?' So they go into the Sea-world part to take their seats (because clearly they weren't impressed by magic baby) and the baby drags me into the Zoo area and into one of the animals. When we get into the cage the baby slips out of the bag and flies off deeper into the cage and I'm like 'Oh shit, I gotta get that baby!' So, as I'm climbing over the artificial terrain I notice that there's a Lion, Panther, and Monkey in the cage and the Panther takes a swipe at me as I'm going after the baby but I manage to grab it and bring back out of the cage. I get outside and my family is there so I hand it off the them but the FBI shows up and tells me that there's a terrorist in the building.

So, my little brother and I go after the terrorist and as we get around the corner of the hallway we see a choir sing in the intersection and in the back right corner is the guy from 'No country for old men' and 'James Bond' and I'm like 'Oh shit! That's the guy!' So he runs off, we go to chase the guy and he sicks his minions on us and they come at us with needles filled with red liquid. I manage to avoid all three of the guys and expel the red liquid from the needles by depressing the plunger but as I'm grappling with 2 of them the 3rd fills his needle with air and stabs me in an attempt to give me an embolism and, as he does, the pain in my left forearm shocks me awake. When I awoke, the pain in my forearm persisted and (believe it or not) my arm STILL hurts. This is the 2nd night in a row that I've received a psychosomatic dream injury. So like... What the fuck is all that about? Amaright? Like... Creepy. Creepy stuff... Should have stabbed them with their own needles though instead of emptying them... Novice stuff from me there... Shit..."

by Hym Iam November 21, 2023