Pube digger : is a big pointy nose often with a slight downward hook at tip of nose. on a female who is known to give good oral sex. Used to describe a girl who isn’t much to look at but gives incredible oral sex deep throating and smashing her big nose into the pubic hairs as she goes down and up like she’s digging for pubic hairs with her nose. Can be taken as an insult or a compliment depending on the context it’s used in or how sensitive one is to their big nose which is often the 1st thing that people notice.
Submitted by Luv H8 Luv
When trying to find my blind date my friend has set me up with, all I could see was her very witch like nose. All it needed was a mole on it to be witch worthy. But instead of being discouraged by the sight. I kept optimistic that by the end of evening she would be a talented Pube digger.