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A Velcro-like interaction between one person’s facial hair and another person’s pubic hair wherein the two become inextricably linked, typically achieved during the action of fellatio or cunnilingus.

Man, those two got pube-locked outside the Tabernacle.

by KAtMalZ November 25, 2022

Pube lock

1. When two partners engage in intercourse and their genital pubes get entangled/hooked with one another.

2. When one masturbates, then cums in his hand and falls asleep only to wake up to their hand glued to their dick and the pain deriving from the pubes that get caught in the middle of the hand and penis when trying to release the grip.

Oh, OHHHH YEAHHH ohh oh OHH OH OHHHWWWWW AH AH AH AHHHHHH AH GAWD AH AHHH ASSSSSSSDFGHJKLLLLLKGOCDCGCUFY,CJUF 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209 749445923078164062862089986280348253421170
AHHHHHHH and done.

So I was doing Demi last night, and it was great and all but we kept getting pube locks, but that didn't stop us, so now we're as smooth as bald eagles

by The Brown Joint January 13, 2012

5👍 2👎