stupid shit that probably hates on fortnite. sucks at all games and is probably toxic.
"Oh he's a pubg player, we shouldn't talk to him"
2👍 1👎
Very toxic people who think fortnite is for kids which is true
PUBG players are bad at fortnite
PUBG players can’t get a kill in fortnite
9👍 16👎
££: Hey why do you think Fortnite is bad?
÷÷: Ugh... it is so unrealistic...
££: Its overrating is kind of annoying but come on I'm not willing to take a NASA supercomputer to run PUBG...
÷÷: Your computer sucks then,
££: A game doesn't have to realistic to be good I don't understand a PUBG player
Specifically, if your IGN is PewツPaɴda, you're literally garbage and you'll never reach ace.
Guy 1: PewツPaɴda is the worst PUBG Player I've ever seen
Guy 2: Same.