Source Code

Pull a Bernie

Take people's money and call them a racist

top level jew-ery

P1: Help! That man just offended me!
P2: Quick, someone Pull a Bernie!

by autistic_cuck February 2, 2016

1👍 1👎

Pulling a Bernie

To stick your beak in it at all times and then not turn up to work the next day

he was so drunk last night he ended up pulling a Bernie today

by dghdkghdkghkjghdfkghg July 14, 2011

8👍 1👎

Pulling a Bernie

Falling asleep in a class while wearing sunglasses so the professor can't tell you are asleep. Named after the movie Weekend at Bernie's.

Class was so boring that Jake started Pulling a Bernie so that his teacher didnt know he was sleeping.

by Talking about the Dude here May 15, 2011

3👍 3👎

Pull a Bernie

Jacking old folks on the streets or in the board rooms.

Hoodlum: Hey Jack, pull out the wallet or I'll blast yo' old ass!
Old Guy: Look son, Bernie Madoff beat you to it...
Hoodlum: Damn...

Person #1: Did you hear about Jimmy pulling a Berine last night?

Person #2: So...did he pull a bernie?

Person #3: He tried to jack an old dude, but Bernie Madoff already jacked his ass!

by YatM July 24, 2009