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Pull a Kobe

When you cheat, lie, or deceive your spouse in such a way.. that they can never forgive you unless you buy them something big expensive and fancy to show your "love" for them. Just how Kobe Bryant bought his wife a lamborghini.

After having an affair with a co worker.. and his wife finding out. John had to pull a kobe out of nowhere and bought her a alpaca rug, diamond ear rings, and a BMW.

by Q. Wedin November 30, 2009

Pull A Kobe

When you crash a vehicle specifically a helicopter into a mountain (in a video game).

John: Ooh I was pretty close to that mountain

Pat: Aww man you really suck at flying helicopters in gta. Want me to drive? Keep this up and you might pull a Kobe.

by Wattabi Ikinoshi January 8, 2021

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pull a kobe

To get caught cheating and rat out your friend for cheating, even though s/he hasn't gotten caught; similar to the way Kobe announce Shaq cheats on his wife when he got accused of rape.

Hey, did you hear what happened to Nicole?

Yea, her boyfriend found out she was cheating, and she decided to pull a kobe on Mary. Then, Mary's boyfriend dumped her for cheating.

by DWing April 28, 2011

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pulling a kobe

being able to land all those shots but not able to land the helicopter

a guy died in a helicopter today, hes pulling a kobe

by mydadlovedme February 25, 2022

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pulling a kobe bryant

when a guy cheats on his wife then gives her an expensive gift (preferably jewelery) so she forgets about what he did.

Man, did you hear that guy banged that bitch then started pulling a kobe bryant so his wife wouldnt get mad.

by XTDave November 21, 2006

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pulling a kobe bryant

An act that is said to be forceful by the partner of a black male. This act is not necesarily forceful but that black guy will get sued. Sucks but it happens

I heard Jermaine got with that girl and she said he raped her, fuckin nigga is always pulling a kobe bryant.

by Brian Irish July 19, 2006

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