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pulled an aaron

try to kiss a girl and fail, then go in for a second kiss in complete desperation and/or confusion

Hey look, did you see Conan? He totally just pulled an aaron with Rebecca Romaine Stamos.

by darkman2701 January 4, 2009

Pulled an Aaron

A popular phrase in the Philippines. When you typo a normal word into something Christian and wholesome.

"Oh man that was so god." - Guy 1
"Dude you mean good?" - Guy2
"Shit. I just pulled an Aaron." - Guy 1

by sudoDarkKnight June 18, 2014

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Pulling An Aaron

When someone asks you a question you try to exit using a terrible excuse, even if the excuse has nothing related to the things going on around you.

B: Can you take a picture with me?
A: nah u see I gotta go get some food so

(that's an example of pulling an aaron)

by CryaoticWasntTaken June 14, 2016

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pull an Aaron

to get an erection.

When I hug her I'm going to pull an Aaron and surprise her with a gentle poke.

That girl is so hot, when I looked at her I nearly pulled an Aaron.

by ABC987 November 6, 2008

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pull an aaron

to pop a boner

"Wow that girl is cute"
"Whoa... don't get too excited and pull an aaron"

by Anyonamous November 1, 2008

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Pulling an Aaron Rodgers

When an individual misleads or lies about being fully vaccinated against the Coronavirus. This individual pretends to be fully vaccinated by acting in such a manner; not wearing a mask, partaking in social events and/ or not notifying those in close proximity.

Pulling An Aaron Rodgers defined as: lying to someone or everyone of being fully vaccinated against the Coronavirus.

by NotJohnWick November 8, 2021

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Pulled a aaron

When you constantly cause harm to yourself in the most common situations

I got up off the couch an stubbed my toe, i just pulled a aaron

by Pj mother fucker June 12, 2013

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