Source Code

Pulling a Bolas

The act of agreeing to participate in a social event with friends and then canceling with little or no notice immediately prior to the event.

"Pulling a bolas" is often performed by not answering your phone and, after two rings, sending the call to voicemail. It is also often accomplished by proffering obvious lies as to why the person cannot participate in the social activity (e.g., "I need to clean my room").

The reasons for "Pulling a Bolas" can differ from person to person, but often include the following: XBox, self pleasuring activities, and the need for excessive "alone" time.

1.) "Hey, I know he said he'd be coming over tonight, but he just called and said he was too tired from looking at apartments with his girlfriend. I can't believe he's pulling a bolas again."

2.) "He just pulled a bolas on me. I called to see if he was still coming out tonight. Two rings and straight to voicemail."

by Ajax the Cat February 22, 2010