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pulling a tuan

(idiom - used as an intransitive verb)
1 (a): to agree enthusiastically to convene at a particular time and place, despite secretly harboring some inexplicable apprehension, then fail to appear at all and to provide any explanation whatsoever (b): to agree enthusiastically to convene at a particular time and place, despite secretly harboring some inexplicable apprehension, then, long after the agreed-upon time has passed, notify the waiting party(s) of one's inability to attend - esp. when such notification could have been made much earlier (c): to agree enthusiastically to convene at a particular time and place, despite secretly harboring some inexplicable apprehension, then, long after the agreed-upon time has passed, notify the waiting party(s) of one's imminent arrival, then, after a long duration thenceforth, either fail to arrive at all or again notify the waiting party(s) of one's imminent arrival: generally, in the latter case, the act is repeated until either one finally notifies the waiting party(s) of his/her inability to arrive or until the waiting party(s) become exasperated

2: to devise detailed plans for a meeting of people - esp. a social gathering, vigorously stress the importance of the meeting or otherwise stimulate interest in the meeting, then shortly before its scheduled time, abruptly cancel the meeting without providing a compelling reason.

1(a): Don Q.: "Dude, where the fuck is Juan?! We've been waiting for two hours for his ass to show up. He hasn't even called." Sancho P.: "Shit! I think the little fucker's pulling a tuan!"

1(b): Sigmund: "Dude, that was Antoine. He pulled a tuan and is not coming." Sigfried: "Fuck! Why didn't he call earlier?! I could've been at home exfoliating my nutsack instead of waiting for him to call and tell us he's not coming!"

1(c): Pedro: "That was the third time Juan called to say he'll be here. It's been like two hours. He is totally pulling a tuan." Enrique: "Next time he calls tell him to fuck himself."

2: (business meeting) Phil: "Antoine just pulled a tuan. Today's big strategy meeting is cancelled indefinitely." Devon: "What?! He was hyping it up yesterday afternoon. I spent two days working on those earnings projections."

2: (social gathering) Phil: "You know that party in the Hamptons Antoine was planning with the yacht, the private chefs, the runway models, and the endless fountains of choice liquors?" Devon: "Yeah, I can't wait! It's this afternoon!" Phil: "Well, he fucking pulled a tuan. I got his text five minutes ago saying its cancelled. No reason why."

by atlasfugged July 4, 2007

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