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pulling my dick

Pulling my dick means to be joking with me/messing with me, or not being serious.

Are you pulling my dick? (are you joking with me?) (are you being serious?)

by louieswim June 16, 2015

22👍 5👎

pulling my dick

to joke or wreak havoc. exactly similar to "pullin my leg" but with a twist.

phil: "hey you know that this coupon is expired."

rupert: "seriously? you pulling my dick?"

by ryan mcgaw June 27, 2006

44👍 20👎

Are You Pulling My Dick Bro?

the use of this derives from "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" where Danny Devito get's told if he's be treated for chicken pox. he then says "are you pulling my dick bro?"

Dude: "it looks like you got aids from some black hookers in Africa. you need to be on pills for the rest of your life" Dude 1: "are you pulling my dick bro?"

by The United States Of America July 16, 2012

19👍 10👎