Source Code


VERB, Meaning to: promise to meet up only to (at the last minute) make up a false and clearly absurd excuse

Bob: I hear Tiffany is going to pass through tonight
Frank: Yo i havent seen her since college!
Marie: Tiffany just called she said she was on her way but her car just broke into pieces!
Bob: I think tiffany is pulling-a-van!

by Semtex1010 January 26, 2014

191👍 42👎

pulling a van

getting yourself into terrible unlucky situations over and over again,

being "that guy" at a party
having everyone tell stories about your unluckyness

eneded up pulling a van the other night, went over to a girls dorm hopin to get lucky and the night ended with her hooking up with her ex well I was in the room

by jamesanddan March 1, 2011

10👍 47👎